Mattu University

Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu

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Mattu University

Students Service Directorate
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Students’ basic service directorate was established in 2004 E.C as soon as the University started its own normal teaching learning process by gaining permission from the legalized authority.  The directorate has started its normal services with limited number of individuals with the aim of providing different services for the students. The typical categories of services provided by the directorate are listed below.


The mission of Mattu University students’ basic service directorate is to enhance the service quality, transparency and accountability of the students’ basic service by building its own capacity through competent, skilled and knowledgeable employees.


To become a leading directorate of service in providing students’ basic services by 2022/2030 among the University Directorates.


Muktar Amhed

Director For Students Service Directorate

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